Frequently Asked Questions

How do I use Hector's Everything if I don't conduct water changes?

Many aquarium enthusiasts, myself included, manage tanks that are primarily topped off without regular water changes. Here's a breakdown based on our experiences:

  1. Dosage in No-Change Tanks: For tanks like mine, which is about 40 gallons with platys, mosses, and some emersed plants, a heaping wooden spoon full (roughly 2 grams) added during each top-off, twice a month, seems to work well.
  2. Plant Requirement: The presence of actively growing plants is essential. They absorb the nutrients provided by Hector's Everything. If you're planning to cultivate more demanding plants or keep sensitive fish or shrimp without regular water changes, tread with caution.
  3. Testing Parameters: Monitor the NO₃ (Nitrates) and/or PO₄ (Phosphates). If levels are too low, it indicates insufficient Hector's Everything dosage. Extremely high levels suggest an over-dosage or insufficient plant uptake. Keep a watch on the carbonate content (KH). Maintaining KH consistently above two is crucial to avoid pH crashes and ensure optimal nutrient uptake by plants.
  4. Key Takeaways: Avoid making multiple changes simultaneously. Ensure a good number of plants in your tank. A general guideline: 2 grams per 40-gallon tank during top-offs. Always maintain KH levels (unless you're intentionally reducing them). Regularly check for nitrates and phosphates—aim for balanced levels, not too high or too low.
  5. Guided by Plant Health: Your plants are the best indicators. If they thrive, you're on the right track. If not, reach out to us with a picture of your setup, and we'll gladly assist.

Always prioritize the well-being of your aquatic ecosystem and adjust based on the needs and responses of your plants and aquatic life. We're here to help!

Is Hector's Everything shrimp-safe?

Absolutely! We have tested Hector's Everything with various shrimp types, including neocaridinas, amanos, flower shrimp, and vampire shrimp, all of which responded well. Additionally, Shrimp Envy, a renowned shrimp food company, maintains a planted tank using Hector's Everything for their caradinas. A trusted colleague who breeds and sells premium shrimp online also incorporates Hector's Everything at a partial dose in both his caradina and neocaridina tanks.

From these experiences, we believe Hector's Everything is shrimp-friendly. However, a couple of precautions to note:

  • We don't recommend double-dosing in caradina tanks.
  • If your shrimp have been in a tank that rarely receives additives, consider starting with a quarter or half dose and gradually increasing as necessary. Safety first!